Cleaning and Prevention
The Importance of Preventive Care
Preventive dentistry in Austin is essential for protecting your oral health. With routine appointments from Dr. Reed, you can protect yourself from cavities, gum disease, oral cancer, and so much more. Don’t be a stranger, reach out to see how we can help your smile today!

Keeping Your Smile Healthy
Teeth cleanings and oral exams are at the heart of all preventive dentistry, and it’s absolutely essential that you see the team at Waterloo Dental every six months for an appointment. During your exam, your hygienist will inspect your teeth, remove plaque and tartar, floss your teeth, and buff them to keep them shiny and bright. Then, Dr. Reed will perform an in-depth oral exam to ensure your smile is healthy and strong.
Teeth Cleaning
Everyone loves the smooth, glassy surface of freshly polished teeth. Our registered dental hygienists help you maintain optimal health, which goes far beyond polished enamel. With a regular preventive schedule, we can remove the bacterial deposits that lead to dental disease. But we can also monitor for silent problems, such as tooth decay or gum disease before they become major issues.
While dental emergencies can strike anyone, our patients who commit to regular preventive care present with significantly fewer problems over time. Professional cleanings with a registered dental hygienist allow us to bring a blend of proactive efforts to you. Deposits of mineralized plaque, known as tartar, adhere to certain areas of the teeth, even with your best efforts. These deposits offer suitable housing for millions of harmful bacteria to reside. Left unchecked, they produce a flood of toxins into the gums. This frequently cascades into devastating chronic problems, even resulting in loss of the teeth.
When you visit us periodically, we can gently remove the deposits from the tooth surfaces. Without sitting undisturbed, bacterial tartar doesn't have the same opportunity to produce irreversible damage. Furthermore, we use professional-strength polishing paste that gently buffs away stain and microscopic plaque, leaving your teeth ultra-smooth and shiny. Since discoloration settles into the enamel of your teeth over time, this helps slow yellowing while maintaining a glassy surface for better cleansing.
morePeriodontal Therapy
Gum disease continues to be the leading cause of tooth loss in adults today. A devastating condition when left untreated, periodontitis doesn't have to write your story. But a strategic approach with focused treatment and home care is essential to control this chronic bacterial infection. Plus, this disease can aggravate other serious medical conditions that may seem unrelated to your mouth.
Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, is the most common adult dental affliction. About 30% of the population experiences gum disease, and it's the number one cause of tooth loss in adults. Many denture cases begin as a result of the ravages of this condition. While not curable, it is controllable. But it requires a focused strategy, similar to managing other chronic conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes.
Gum disease can advance in stealth mode with few signs or symptoms in early stages. Many patients diagnosed with this condition find themselves surprised at the quiet damage progressing in their mouths. In simple terms, consider the gums and bone around your teeth as the foundation where they sit. Just like a house, the foundation must be sound regardless of the beauty of the house. When the foundation crumbles, the rest of it goes too.
moreOral Cancer Screening
Every time you're in our chair, we review many aspects of your health. Subtle changes in the lining of your mouth call for a closer evaluation, regardless of whether you use tobacco or not. Early detection of oral cancer saves many lives every year, and we're trained to recognize a myriad of oral tissue abnormalities.
Every time we provide care, we're observing many different aspects of your overall health. Most people are surprised at the large amount of surface area that lines the mouth. While this lining repairs itself quickly, it is susceptible to changes that may require monitoring or further evaluation.
Oral cancer can afflict anyone although tobacco users put themselves at significantly higher risk than non-users. Chewing tobacco contains up to 3000 different chemicals, including the same compounds used in pesticides and embalming fluid. Cellular changes below the surface aren't always detectable until they've advanced to a critical stage.
However, early detection and treatment of oral cancer significantly increase the chance of a positive outcome. The American Cancer Society reports that about 7,000 deaths result from oral cancer out of 30,000 cases diagnosed annually. If we suspect any unusual changes in your mouth tissue, we may suggest a biopsy and microscopic analysis by a qualified lab.
moreHome Care
Optimal dental health results from a healthy partnership between you and us. While we can provide critical support, your efforts every day make all the difference. And with the unlimited number of product resources available today, we can help you customize a protocol that works perfectly for your dental condition.
A healthy smile is highly dependent on what happens between visits to see us. Good oral care habits can be established by anyone committed to carving a few minutes out each day to make it happen. Like regular exercise, consistency builds on previous efforts to enhance your health. At least two brief sessions of brushing and cleaning between your teeth daily set a foundation for optimum health.
With so many products available to consumers today, your hygienist serves as a personal trainer when it comes to dental home care. We'll quickly narrow down the endless options and form a plan that fits you. Would a Waterpik make more sense and reach deeper than floss for your condition? Should you use a prescription toothpaste due to high risk from a reduced saliva condition? Many factors fit into a plan that makes your time and effort work for you.
Some patients identified with high risk for dental problems benefit from even more personalized routines. Simple, inexpensive additions can transform the environment of your mouth and dramatically reduce disease activity. For example, Xylitol is a naturally-derived sweetener that can reduce cavity activity in children and adults when used in the right dosages and exposure times.